I really like music, so have some totally unwarrented music recs!!

Goodbye Sky Harbor

Jimmy Eat World, Clarity

Ok, so this song is over sixteen minutes long. BUT I swear to god it's worth every second. The first bit of the song starts out like a regular song, lyrics and everything. And then it fades into being only instrumental, slowly adding more and more elements into the mix until it's a toal brainfuck, in the best way possible.


Bright Eyes, Cassadaga

If you haven't listened to any Bright Eyes songs, what are you even doing with your life?? All of 'em have incredible flow between vocals and instrumentals, and this song is no exception. Please, give this song a listen!!

The Lost Souls

AFI, The Art of Drowning

This whole album is really good, and all the songs are relatively short. The solos in this song, though? Dope as hell. If you're looking for some earlier-wave emo, this AFI song is your shit.


At the Drive-In, Relationship of Command

Again, more early-wave emo (post-hardcore if you're being picky)! Super good, pretty raw, especially towards the end of the song. I'm a huge sucker for some good screaming, and At the Drive-In always delivers.


Operation Ivy, Self-titled

Operation Ivy is the shit, dude. It's hard to pick one song off of the album, but Smiling was always my favorite growing up, so here it is! The ska-punk hits hard, and the bass and drum lines in Smiling are top-tier.